FOX 50 holds its 2nd annual e-Cycling event on Saturday, March 27th. |
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On Saturday, March 27, 2010, FOX 50 partnered with Creative Recycling Systems for the second annual e-Cycling event. Triangle residents could go to three participating Home Depot stores to drop off old or unused electronic equipment. The goal is to help keep environmentally harmful, end-of-life electronics out of local landfills.
This one-day collection event was free to the public with hopes of diverting thousands of pounds of electronics from the local solid waste stream. The collected material is then be processed by Creative Recycling Systems of North Carolina. Using automated and state-of-the-art technology to responsibly handle end-of-life and surplus electronic equipment, CRS provides a true environmental solution for e-scrap.
The three participating Home Depot store locations were on Walnut Street in Cary, Capital Blvd. in Raleigh, and Mt. Moriah Road in Durham.
 FOX 50 takes in about 78,000 pounds of electronics during the one-day event. |
Acceptable items to be collected were computer monitors, CD players, telephones, TVs, fax machines, electronic games, VCRs, stereos, radios, etc.
The event was again a huge success. Approximately 78,000 pounds of electronics were collected over the four-hour period, including over 400 PCs, 123 laptops, and 300 TVs. 100% of what was collected will be reused and recycled by Creative Recycling with partnering companies Panasonic, Toshiba, and Sharp.
Beginning January 2011, there will be no electronics permitted in NC landfills. Events like this help to eliminate E-waste in our market and in our landfills.
Please mark your calendar for the next event on Saturday, November 13th!
Other sponsors/partners included:
Additional event partners include: Duke Recycling, NC State Recycling, Durham County, City of Durham, City of Durham Recycling, Service Raleigh, the Sustainable Duke Program and the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Thanks to FOX 50’s Sheila Chast for this capcom story & these capcom pictures.