Scott Mason to Appear at Cameron Village Library this Weekend
 WRAL-TV Reporter Scott Mason, knpwn for his Tar Heel Traveler features, will make several Triangle appearances to share from his new book about his adventures in reporting. |
WRAL-TV Reporter Scott Mason travels the state each week searching for stories to add some positive reports to WRAL-TV’s newscasts. This Saturday Mason will sit down with viewers and fans to talk about his adventures and read from his new book, Tar Heel Traveler: Journeys Across North Carolina.
The book chronicles some of the most memorable people and places he has discovered and covered on his travels over the back roads of North Carolina.
Mason will appear at the Cameron Village library in Raleigh Saturday, October 9, 2010, at 2pm.
See the notice from the Cameron Village library below:
TAR HEEL TRAVELER Saturday, October 9 2:00 p.m. Programming Room
A blend of oral history and memoir with a good dose of quirky humor, Tar Heel Traveler is a celebratory look at the people and places of North Carolina. Scott Mason is the TV reporter—the Tar Heel Traveler—who journeys across North Carolina profiling colorful characters and out-of-the-way places. Join Scott, from WRAL-TV, as he reads from his new book. You’ll come to know people you’ve never met, travel places you’ve never visited, and learn things you didn’t know.
To register, please call 856-6701 or email susan.lane@wakegov.com |
Mason will also appear at Quail Ridge Books on Tuesday, November 9th at 7:30pm. Find out more details here.
Visit Mason’s Tar Heel Traveler website for a complete listing of all his appearances this fall.