Thanks to donations to the SPCA in memory of WRAL-TV’s Tracker (right) a little puppy named Alma (left) has already been saved. |
Tracker, WRAL’s Newsroom Dog, passed away on Valentine’s Day, but his legacy is already living on in the Triangle. His WRAL friends put together a donation page for the SPCA of Wake County in Tracker’s name, and generous Big 5 viewers have already saved another pup in his honor.
As of Friday, February 18th, almost $700 had been donated in memory of Tracker.
The first puppy recipient of the donated funds is Alma. She was rescued on February 14th and went into the SPCA Foster Care Program the next day.
Mondy Lamb of the SPCA said, “Since the timing of when we began investing in her life was so close to the time that Tracker passed, it seemed appropriate that she be the first puppy saved in his memory.”
Thanks to the SPCA for this capcom photo of Alma.