Have a Girl’s Day Out with MIX 101.5 at Annual Lipstick Luncheon
On Saturday, March 19, 2011, MIX 101.5 will take over the Raleigh Marriott City Center with the ultimate gal pal Gathering. The Sex & The City ladies will have nothing on this full-out fun-day that gives MIX listeners a chance to get out of the house, away from the kids and husbands, and time to laugh and learn together.
The Lipstick Luncheon kicks off at 10am – registration starts at 9am – and features the hilarious & irreverent Celia Rivenbark as the keynote speaker. The title’s of her books You Can’t Drink All Day If You Don’t Start in the Morning and Stop Dressing Your Six-Year-Old Like a Skank say it all. The award-winning nationally syndicated humor columnist and best-selling author will have the Lipstick Luncheon ladies rolling in the aisles.
The event will also include a the Crabtree Valley Mall Fashion Show showcasing new Spring fashion trends starring your favorite MIX staffers. And one Amazing Woman will win a makeover from Bodylase Skin Spa and Baker’s Cosmetic Dentistry of Raleigh. Make your nominations here now.
General admission tickets are $25 and include lunch and a gift bag per ticket. Orders of 2 or more general admission tickets receive one complimentary parking pass per order. VIP tickets cost $35 and include reserve prime seating, lunch and a gift bag per ticket, plus one valet parking pass per order.
Purchase tickets and find out more about the MIX 101.5 Lipstick Luncheon here.