Felice Bogus of Raleigh came up with the winning idea for the Bulls’ 2011 Clash of the Concessions Contest. The Bulldog is a Bright Leaf all-beef hot dog wrapped in bacon & cheese & blanketed in soft pretzel dough. |
The Durham Bulls in conjunction with Centerplate have announced the Durham Bulldog is the winner of the 2011 Clash of the Concessions Contest. The entry, submitted by Felice Bogus of Raleigh, is a Bright Leaf all-beef hot dog wrapped in bacon and cheese and blanketed in soft pretzel dough. It was chosen from over 125 submissions as this year’s winner.
“I always felt there should be something called the Bull Dog,” Bogus said upon hearing she had won, “It needed to be all beef, bacon makes everything taste better, and a pretzel is perfect ballpark food that keeps it all together so it isn’t too messy at a ballgame.”
A team of Bulls officials whittled down the original 125 submissions to 12 semifinalists. Those 12 were then voted on by fans on the Bulls’ facebook page to determine three finalists. The three finalists were created and sampled by several hundred people at the team’s annual Fanfest who then submitted their vote for a winner.
“It was a pretty thorough process,” Durham Bulls General Manager Mike Birling said, “We were impressed with all the interesting submissions. I’m looking forward to eating my first Bulldog on Opening Night.”
For submitting the winning entry, Bogus receives a season’s worth of complimentary Bulldogs at the ballpark in 2011. The Bulls open the season on Thursday, April 14th at 7:05pm. Tickets are available at www.durhambulls.com.
Thanks to DBBC’s Matt DeMargel for this capcom story.