Students in the Explorer Post 5 program at WRAL-TV get to help Duham Bulls Post 50 members in the control booth at a Bulls game. |
 Post 50 Volunteer Advisor Ken Bland walks the Post 5 students through a baseball broadcast. |
Recently a group of surprised Post 5 members joined the Post 50 crew at a Durham Bulls home game. The Post 5 group thought they were merely going to a game and getting a back stage tour, but Volunteer Advisor Ken Bland made sure that they actually got hands-on experience during the game.
Trained by the high school students on the Post 50 crew, the Post 5 group covered jobs in the control room and in the replay area flawlessly.
Oh yeah, and the Bulls went on to win 2-1.
Thanks to WRAL-TV’s Jim Rothschild for this capcom story & these capcom photos.