WZJY & WMYT partner with Creative Recycling to host a successful e-cycling event on Oct 15th. |
On Saturday October 15, 2011, CW46 WJZY and MyTV12 WMYT partnered with Creative Recycling based out of Tampa, FL and MRM to hold an E-Cycle event in the parking lot of Peppermint Forest Christmas Shop in Pineville.
What is E-Cycle?? As of July the landfill no longer takes electronic items so providing this service to our viewers is a great way to be environmentally conscious and help to dispose of these items properly…and the items are recycled!
The event was set up ‘drive-thru’ style so folks drove up and workers unloaded each car and donors didn’t even need to get out of their car…except to park after donating and head into our client, Peppermint Forest, to do a little holiday shopping. Peppermint Forest gave each car that donated a coupon good for $5.00 off a $10.00 order! Perfect reason to shop!
All kinds of items were donated ranging from old computers, cell phones, printers, scanners, vacuums, TV’s, microwaves, and even a huge, very old copier! CW46 and WMYT even used the opportunity to do a little cleaning out at our building of some out of date technology and took a load over to the event.
FOX 50 has held several of these very successful events in their area and helped us to get our event going here. Thanks FOX 50!
Thanks to WJZY’s Angela Golden for this capcom story & photo.