WRAL.com Media Lab at Barton College Now in Operation

WRAL.com Media Lab at Barton College Now in Operation WRAL.com’s John Conway (l to r), Barton College’s Dr. Patrick McConnell & Corp’s Jim Goodmon get a chance to observe students learning in the new Barton College Media Lab made possible by a donation from CBC. View the Slideshow Barton College in Wilson has a new […]
WILM Hosts Rotary Meeting

WILM’s Connie Knox (right) gives Cape Fear Rotary Club members a behind-the-scenes tour at WILM. On Friday January 6, 2012, WILM-TV hosted the Cape Fear Rotarians off-site Meeting. Around 40 Cape Fear area business men and women attended the meeting at the WILM-TV station. Attendees were given a “Backstage Pass” into the world of television […]