WILM’s Connie Knox (right) wins the Rotarian of the Year award from the Cape Fear Rotary Club. |
The Cape Fear Rotary Club recently named WILM General Manager Connie Knox as its Rotarian of the Year. Knox joined the Club over four years ago and is now Vice President of the organization. Her passion for the Rotary is evident when she talks about the work she does with them.
“Rotary is an international service organization that is best known for helping to eradicate Polio,” she explained. “There are Rotary clubs in just about every city in the world. It is made up of business leaders and owners.”
Knox shared that the Rotary’s motto is “Service Above Self” and that the members all live by the “Four Way Test”:
- Is it the truth?
- Is it fair to all concerned?
- Will it build good will and better friendships?
- Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
“I try and impress those morals at work and at home every day – really – its good stuff to live by,” she said. “If you think about it (for those in sales) it fits with the CSS/3R training we all did over the past year or so. It also fits with our Code of Ethics at CBC.”
The Rotary Club works hard to give back to the community. Each May the Cape Fear Rotary puts on a charity golf tournament. The Club gives back an average of $27,500 per year.
 WILM’s Connie Knox goes to new heights for the Cape Fear Rotary Club. She cuts up before hopping in the basket to get a photo of the Largest Rotary Wheel in the World. |
 Taking aim with the camera. |
 Knox’s shot: the Largest Rotary Wheel in the World (located at Greenfield Lake in Wilmington). |
“Our motto is that we are ‘The Greatest Rotary Club in the Universe’… and this group believes it,” she said. “We’re also known as being the fun club in the Wilmington area. We do love to cut up.”
Knox says she was shocked to win Rotarian of the Year but when one looks at her list of contributions to the club, the win isn’t amazing at all.
She is the official photographer of her club, saying she’s “mostly known as the photographer for hanging from a 130 foot crane to get this shot of the Largest Rotary Wheel in the World (which is located at Greenfield Lake in Wilmington). It was a five club beautification project to restore the wheel that had been built many years ago.”
Knox also helps maintain the Cape Fear Rotary web site. She has been on the Board of Directors for the last couple of years and does new member orientations and volunteers at many of the club events. After her stint as Vice President of the club, Knox will become President-Elect and then President the year after that.
“I encourage anyone to get involved in Rotary… there is also Rotaract which is the youth version of Rotary,” said Knox. “It’s all about giving back to your community and collectively working for a better world.”
Thanks to WILM’s Terri Pudney & Connie Knox for these capcom photos.