CBC Helps Leadership Triangle Celebrate 20th Anniversary
 FOX 50’s Chris Downey & DBBC’s Mary Beth Warfford step out on the floor for the dance contest at Leadership Triangle’s 20th Anniversary Celebration. |
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Leadership Triangle celebrated the organization’s 20th anniversary at a special event at American Tobacco’s Bay 7 on Thursday, September 20, 2012, in Durham. The non-profit leadership training program focuses on regional thinking and cooperation and has had Capitol Broadcasting Company and its various divisions as supporting sponsors for the last decade.
The celebration included alumni from all of Leadership Triangle’s programs including their Personal Leadership Development Program, Regional Program, Executive and College Editions. Over 100 alumni and their guests gathered to remember the last two decades and look forward.
A variety of alumni spoke, including FOX 50 Director of Local and New Media Sales Niel Sollod, who is currently the LT Alumni Association Chair. WRAL-TV Anchor/Reporter Debra Morgan, also an LT alum, served as emcee for the evening program.
 ATC’s Michael Goodmon (left) & Corp’s Jim Goodmon present the attendees’ Top Ten Wish List for the Triangle. |
CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon and his son American Tobacco Vice President of Real Estate Michael Goodmon presented the Top Ten Wish List for the Triangle. Attendees wrote down their wishes on post-its and affixed to a wooden LT logo as they entered Bay 7.
A few items on the list included: Regionally-focused leaders, closing of the economic gap, justice for all, and quality education for each student.
Jim Goodmon, for whom the graduates are named Goodmon Fellows, spoke to the group about the role of Leadership Triangle in helping guide our region towards cooperation, that we can do more together than separately.
“When I started working at Capitol Broadcasting in the early 1970s, we were the 63rd television market in the U.S.” said Goodmon. “In the last survey this market is 24th. Charlotte is behind us as 25th. We are only the 24th market if you put us all together. Not just Raleigh or Durham or Smithfield, but as a region. Our region needs to work together.”
Goodmon expressed his pride in Leadership Triangle and the work the members in the organization are doing to promote regional thinking and collaboration. And he emphasized the significance of forward thinking.
“What’s going on today is of very little importance,” said Goodmon. “What’s happening is what leaders are working on in the next three years.”
The evening wrapped up with a performance by a group of alumni dubbed The R-T-Peas for the occasion.
Find out more about the various programs offered by Leadership Triangle here. The 2012 Personal Leadership Program is currently underway and the spring Regional Program will soon begin accepting applications.
Congratulations to Leadership Triangle for 20 years helping train and enhance leaders in our region!