Capitol Sports Vice President George Habel shared about a recent event to help the homeless at the Durham Bulls ballpark. Project Homeless Connect came back to the Bulls for a sixth time on October 11, 2012. See what he had to say in his blog, Note to Self:
 The Durham Bulls open their gates to help the homeless on October 11th. |
Living on the streets…in cars…with friends…
by George Habel
My very first blog post in 2008 was about Project Homeless Connect. It’s a safe bet that I will write about it again because the challenge of homelessness persists.
The DBAP gates were opened to the homeless and those at risk of living on the streets October 11th. 270 social service and health professionals connected with about 281 people in need of services – medical, food, housing, employment. Hair cuts were available, and veterinarians were on hand to assist with the most loyal of pets. The Bulls’ concessions company, Centerplate, with an assist from the Interfaith Food Shuttle, provided a hot meal for everyone.
A large number of volunteers help the homeless attendees in a varitey of ways. In fact, the event boasts an almost one-to-one ratio of volunteers per attendee. |
A noteworthy feature of this event is the high level of volunteerism. 205 folks helped out. There’s lots of one-on-one attention, an attempt to make this a personal encounter rather than standing in a long line for help. (The stats come from Matthew Schnars at the City of Durham’s Community Development Dept. He ably organized PHC.)
Thanks to CS’ George Habel for this capcom story & these capcom photos.