MIX’s Loveland To Host Food Dialogues
On Thursday, September 19, 2013, the U.S. Farmers and Ranchers Alliance and the North Carolina Animal Agriculture Coalition will open up a discussion about what we’re eating and how it gets to our plates. MIX 101.5 Morning Show Co-Host Lynda Loveland will be in the center of the conversation, asking questions and getting answers at Food Dialogues: North Carolina.
“Farming has come a long way since I grew up on the farm,” said Loveland. “We all have so many questions whether it’s about the use of antibiotics or GMO’s (genetically modified organisms) or the effect of farming on the environment. As a mom, I want to know the story behind the food I serve my kids. The Food Dialogues is a great opportunity to ask a panel of experts anything you want to know. They’re prepared to answer the tough question. I have a few myself. And it’s free!”
Loveland will moderate Food Dialogues: North Carolina. Food and farming experts will answer questions about the foods you eat and the farmers who grow it and more.
“If you have any questions about the food you’re eating and serving your family, this is the forum to ask them,” explained Loveland. “Two sets of panelists will answer questions dealing with anything from the use of antibiotics to genetically modified foods on the farm.”
The event will take place at the Raleigh Convention Center. Admission is free, but space is limited. Find out how to reserve your spot here.
About the Event The Food Dialogues®: North Carolina wants to reconnect our state with the foods we eat and the farmers that feed us. This event will provide two panel-based discussions to address questions related to what’s on our plates and how our food is raised and grown. Local radio personality Lynda Loveland will lead the discussion among our panel of experts including farmers, food scientists, health care professionals and leaders in the consumer food service industry.
If you can’t attend in person? You can also watch Food Dialogues: North Carolina, LIVE on the web.
Have questions you want to ask? Share them with Food Dialogues: North Carolina.
Thanks to MIX 101.5 for these capcom graphics.