The WRAL Live Truck sports a new look thanks the creative team of WRAL’s Shelly Leslie & Bill Burch. |
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WRAL-TV unveiled the first of three rebranded live trucks during the second week of October. WRAL-TV Creative Director Shelly Leslie provided creative direction, and WRAL-TV Lead Designer/Print & Online Bill Burch did the graphic design, putting the entire package together.
“Our mission with the new design is to bring design consistency to the fleet,” said Leslie. “We have three newer microwave trucks that have full design wraps. We’re updating the older satellite trucks to match that design.
Leslie says the satellite trucks give them more design area with which to work, so they can do more branding and multi-platform messaging.
“One side is news focused, the other side is weather focused,” she explained. “We wanted to showcase all the areas we cover and give all the ways you can get our coverage. We included our mobile apps and social media platforms for the first time.”
The WRAL Live Truck before (above) and after (beliow.)  |
The WRAL live trucks advertise for the station each and every time they leave Western Blvd.
“The trucks, while on the road are a moving billboard,” she said. “When parked, they draw attention so we included a special mobile URL to easily download our apps. On the back we included wral.com and how to submit news tips using ‘Report It.’ Bill did an outstanding job on the design.”
Thanks to WRAL-TV’s Shelly Leslie for thes capcom photos.