I hope you will enjoy reading a few snip-it’s of CBC news from yester-year. Through the ages, there has been an employee newsletter that has been printed or posted under a variety of names including; Tele-news Letter, The Capitol Letter, The Frequency, and CapCom.
Tele-news Letter, July 1958
Progress is being made on the construction of the Administration Building. The foundation columns have been erected and the necessary dirt filling has been completed and packed. A showpiece attraction will be the electric fountain in front of the building with spraying jets of water and colored lights that change formation every six seconds.
The Capitol Letter, January 23, 1978
Bob Inskeep (WRAL-FM ) received The Distinguished Service Award from the Raleigh Jaycees.
The Capitol Letter, June 29, 1978
Everyone, come see and enjoy the new lounge! It’s such fun to window-shop at the new machines and to drink that fresh, fragrant, free coffee.
Tele-news Letter, July 1960
On May 26, Miss Margaret entertained a large group of former ROMPER ROOM “graduates,” and their parents at a birthday party commemorating ROMPER ROOM’S second anniversary on Channel 5. Miss Margaret sliced a cake holding two candles, led games, songs and contests. About 150 attended the party.
The Capitol Letter, January 26, 1978
John Greene (WRAL-TV GM) and Skip Cilley (Tar Heel Traveler) will brave the snow drifts in Boston this week to collect the ENG vans. John and Skip left Tuesday, January 24, 1978. The two ENG vans and cameras will be sporting their newly painted wardrobe by February 15, 1978.
Tele-news Letter, December 1974
A special 15 minute televised report on `The Story of Tobacco’ aimed at developing a greater understanding of agriculture by non-farm people, won special mention in the annual Town Crier Bell Award competition for Ray Wilkinson, farm director of WRAL-TV.
The Capitol Letter, December 16, 1982
The 101/NCNN (WRAL-FM and North Carolina News Network) news team broke the biggest story of the month last week. We were first to report the forced resignation of N.C. State football coach Monte Kiffin. Special thanks to Steve Shumake and Ron Colbert on the story and a reliable source.
The Capitol Letter, August 11, 1983
The lifeline has been cut!” Our final step towards telephone line independence has been accomplished for the North Carolina News Network (NCNN). All of our affiliated stations in North Carolina are now operating via satellite. We are thrilled with the success of this venture.
The Capitol Letter, August 11, 1983
Congratulations to Adele Arakawa who began co-anchoring the 6:00 PM news with Charlie Gaddy on August 1, 1983. With this move, Adele shares a seat with Raleigh-Durham’s number one anchor team –Charlie Gaddy, Bob Debardelaben and Tom Suiter. Adele is rapidly gaining popularity with our viewers.
The Capitol Letter, January 12, 1978
Our afternoon schedule looks like this: Gilligan will be on at 4:00PM, Rascals and Stooges on at 4:30 to 5:30 PM, and Andy Griffith at 5:30 PM. Gomer Pyle will, of course, maintain its winning tradition against Mary Tyler Moore.
Tele-news Letter, July 1960
TEEN AGE FROLICS. During the summer months this program has been expanded to Tuesdays and Thursdays 1:00 PM and Saturdays 11:30-1:00 PM. Each program, emcee Kay Fletcher conducts a dance contest and frequently introduces guest artists. Groups from all over the extensive Channel Five area are invited to contact either Kay, or J.D. Lewis, who conducts the program every other Saturday.
The Capitol Letter, August 24, 1978
Rowell Gorman was featured in a Raleigh Times Radio production article. Verne Critz of Sound Track said, “He’s one of the most creative people I’ve ever met.”
The CAPCOM, April 19, 1984
In addition to the Peabody Award won by WRAL-FM and North Carolina News Network, the news team also picked up three other awards from UPI of the Carolinas; Best documentary, best feature, and a staff award for best sports of last year’s coverage of the N.C. State NCAA basketball championship.
The CAPCOM, May 24, 1984
Tony Gupton has been promoted from videotape operator to master control, and Quinn Koontz has been promoted from account executive to national sales manager. Congratulations to Tony and Quinn.
The CAPCOM, February 23, 1984
Ron Price moves up from assistant news director to news director. Cindy Sink is now the production coordinator in programming where she will head up the newly created commercial production unit.
The Capitol Letter, September 19, 1978
Both TV5 and WRAL-101 are now fully operational from the new tower and very few problems have been encountered to date. Field measurements of the television signal show an improvement which exceeds our expectations. What we have learned so far further convinces us that circular polarization does work and is a big plus. The old tower is being dismantled but high winds have slowed us up the past few days.
Tele-news Letter, July 1965
Bette Elliott, Women’s Director, will be in New York the week of July 11 to attend the press preview of the new fall fashions. High fashion designers, member of the New York Couture Group, will show 200 fashion editors from the United States, Canada, and abroad the Fall 1965 look in fashion. Mrs. Elliott will feature interviews of famous designers and a first-hand look at their collections on “Femme Fare” during the remaining weeks in July.
Thanks to Corp’s Pam Allen for this capcom story. Pam Parris Allen is a former WRAL newscast producer/director who now works as a researcher and producer on the CBC History Project.