1. WRAL-TV signed on in 1956. What was the #1 song that year?
A. “Heartbreak Hotel” by Elvis Presley
B. “Blue Suede Shoes” by Carl Perkins
C. “Que Sera Sera” by Doris Day
D. “Hot Diggity” by Perry Como
2. Frank Fletcher, son of CBC founder A.J. Fletcher, worked in Washington, D.C. His first job was with the________.
A. FRC Federal Radio Commission (Formed in 1926 – ceased in 1934)
B. FCC Federal Communications Commission (Formed in 1934 – today)
C. FBI Federal Bureau of Investigations
D. WRC NBC radio station in Washington, D.C.
3. What was established on March 19, 1937?
A. CBC Capitol Broadcasting Company
C. National Opera Company
D. Nothing was established on that date
4. WRAL aired the NBC game show “Who Pays?” in 1959. Name the emcee. Hint…he became a well-known newsman on CBS, and his son is a news anchor on Fox News.
A. Howard K. Smith
B. Hugh Downs
C. Mike Wallace
D. Dave Garroway
5. The first image that appeared on WRAL-TV in 1956
A. Engineer wearing cover-alls
B. A.J. Fletcher
C. 13 year old Jim Goodmon peering into the camera
D. Empty chair
1. A.“Heartbreak Hotel” by Elvis Presley
2. A. FRC Federal Radio Commission
3. A. CBC Capitol Broadcasting Company
4. C. Mike Wallace
5. A. Engineer wearing cover-alls. Scottie Stephenson recalled that he had just warned everyone not to stand in front of the camera when they signed-on the air.
Thanks to Corp’s Pam Allen for this capcom story. Pam Parris Allen is a former WRAL newscast producer/director who now works as a researcher and producer on the CBC History Project.