Vanity License Plate

Can you guess who had this license plate (right) on his car in 1961? A.J. Fletcher, Founder of WRAL “Channel 5” Herb Marks, AKA “Captain 5” Art Anderson, Assistant Promotion Director/artist at Channel 5 Ray Reeve, Sportscaster (Scroll down for answer) ANSWER: B) Herb Marks […]
FOX 50’s Bonell and HOLA NC Honored with Hispanic Achievement Award

FOX 50 Latino Marketing Specialist Ana Maria Bonell and the program for which she serves as the Executive Director, HOLA NC, are recipients of the 2015 Logro Award, presented at the 15th Annual Hispanic Market Advantage Awards Luncheon. “Logro is the lifetime achievement award,” said FOX 50 Director of Local and New Media Sales Niel […]