Generous WRAL Viewers “Fill the Bus” Over Threefold for Storm Relief

On Wednesday, October 26, 2016, WRAL-TV joined forces with Go Triangle, the United Way of the Greater Triangle and the Raleigh-Durham International Airport to collect needed items for those affected by Hurricane Matthew. Generous viewers filled three full-size buses and to large vans with items. That means they will have over one full busload to […]
MIX 101.5 and Three Bears Acres Join Forces for Great Pumpkin Smash on Nov 5th

Are you already wondering what to do once Halloween is over and you still have jack-o-lanterns on your front stoop? How about joining MIX 101.5 at Three Bears Acres for a smashing good time! MIX 101.5’s Pumpkin Smash is a full day of family fun at Three Bears Acres. On November 5, 2016, Triangle families […]