WRAL-TV Coats for the Children Breaks Record, Biggest Total Ever!

Ironically the coats sorting for WRAL-TV’s 2016 Coats for the Children Campaign had to be rescheduled due to the winter weather Mother Nature dished out in early January. However, volunteers, including WRAL-TV Anchor/Reporter Ken Smith, gathered at the Salvation Army on the MLK Day of Service on Monday, January 16, 2017, and sorted the 6,423 […]
More National Kudos for the Bulls

Stadium Journey, a website devoted to the review of sports venues across the country, released its Top 100 Stadium Experiences of 2016. The site reviewed 761 different stadium experiences, and out of all of them, Durham Bulls Athletic Park checked in at ninth on their list. Check out the full scoop on the latest “Hit […]