The MIX 101.5 Team reveals the grand total raised by the 2017 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital on Thursday, December 14th.
Thanks to generous listeners, MIX 101.5 knocked the top out of their 2017 Radiothon vision. The event took place in December for the first time this year, and the holiday spirit paid off. The 23rd Annual MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital raised $656,089! The WRAL-FM team unveiled the big check at the conclusion of the two-day on-air event on Thursday, December 14th.
WRAL-FM Program Director Michele Williams says holding Radiothon during December for the first time turned out to be a good move.
“It’s a season when people are focused on families and community, which is what Radiothon is all about,” she said.
The MIX team set goals for each hour during Radiothon and reached every single goal. That response from listeners created a great feeling in the Duke Children’s Hospital lobby where volunteers manned the phone bank and MIX staffers interviewed patients, their families and Duke staffers on air.
“The perspective that Radiothon gave us is IRREPLACEABLE,” said WRAL-FM’s Bryan Lord of Two Men & a Mom. “We witnessed so much strength, courage and hope from the patients and their families. It’s inspiring. Thursday night our team walked out of Duke Children’s Hospital as better people.”
Lord got to talk to one of WRAL-FM’s favorite Radiothon mainstays. He was inspired by the reaction of listeners to a very special young man:
Jake the Jokeman, with WRAL-FM’s Bill Jordan, is full of holiday cheer during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
“Jake the Jokeman is a young man that brings smiles to everyone he meets,” explained Lord. “Many know Jake and even carry copies of his popular joke books! At 15 months-old he was treated for a malignant brain tumor. Since then he’s been a regular at Duke Children’s Hospital. Now 16 years-old, he joined us on-air with one goal…make people laugh. He did that. A lot. And after gifting all of us copies of his NEWEST joke book (complete with illustrations), he got a bright idea! He asked us if it’d be ‘ok’ to sign copies of his joke book as gifts for people that donate during our final hour of broadcasting. ‘OF COURSE!,’ we said. The phones went crazy. Dealt a unique challenge from almost birth — Jake is a young man that doesn’t put up with obstacles. Every day he rises above obstacles and inspires smiles. Smiling is what we need in our world, today. We all need to strive to be more like Jake.
The entire MIX crew came together with Duke staffers and volunteers to make the two-day event happen, supporting the patients and families at Duke.
“It was truly an honor to be part of the team,” said WRAL-FM Promotions Director Jason Newton. “It’s serious work and long hours but never felt like a task to me but more of a mission to help the kids at Duke Children’s. Everyone was there for one common goal, and it truly was a team effort by all to achieve it. I’m so proud of what we accomplished and I look forward to many more years to come.”
Once the drive wrapped up on the final day, WRAL-FM On-Air Personality/Asst Program & Music Director Jim Kelly put on a few extra songs to give their friends at Duke time to figure the final tally. Then the Two Men and a Mom team of Kyle Smelser, Bryan Lord and Sarah King came on-air to reveal the final number.
All of the volunteers, Duke staffers, patients and their families and the MIX crew were on hand for the big announcement. A roar erupted from the crowd when MIX unveiled the big check for $656,089.
That number made the hard work of the past two days more than worth the effort, as a MIX tradition continued during a different time of year.
“Radiothon is an important event for MIX because it’s part of the history and heritage of the station and an opportunity for us to give back to the community we serve,” said Williams.
Thanks to MIX 101.5 for these capcom photos & to WRAL-FM’s Bill Jordan for the photo of him & Jake The Jokeman.
SLIDESHOW: 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital
WRAL-FM’s Bryan Lord (l to r), Jim Kelly & Kyle Smelser interview a young patient during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
Abby and her parents talk about her journey with cancer during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Jim Kelly (left) & Kyle Smelser are ready for Day 2 of the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Bryan Lord gives his on-air partner Sarah King, both from Two Men & A Mom, during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Bryan Lord gives a hug to one of the amazing staffers at Duke during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
Heath, a transplant survivor, and his Mom, Carrie, share their story during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Kyle Smelser interviews Heath, a transplant survivor, and Heath’s mother, Carrie, during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Kyle Smelser & Sarah King, from Two Men & a Mom, work on air during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
Lindsey (2nd from left) and her doctors shares her Beads of Courage story with WRAL-FM’s Kyle Smelser (center left) & Sarah King during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
Three-year-old Collier and his Mom come by to share their story and give support during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Bill Jordan comes back to listen, share and help during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
Little Reagan and her Mom, Peggy, come to give support and share their story during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Diane Ramsey shares stories of hope during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
Duke Life Flight’s Drew Almond volunteers on the phone bank during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
Three-year-old Collier and his parents share his story during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Bryan Lord talks to three-year-old Collier during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
Volunteers work on the phone bank during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Bryan Lord (right) gives his on-air colleague Jim Kelly a hug during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Jim Kelly (left) & Kyle Smelser listen as families share their stories during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Jim Kelly (left) & Kyle Smelser conduct on-air interviews during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Jim Kelly (left), Sarah King & Kyle Smelser support each other during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
Alan and Peggy, two active military members, share the story of their daughter, Reagan, during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
Benjamin and his sister, Collette, share his story during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
WRAL-FM’s Bryan Lord (l to r), Kyle Smelser and Sarah King of Two Men and A Mom pose for a photo with two of the superstar staffers at Duke during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.
The MIX 101.5 Team reveals the final total for the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital on Thursday, December 14th.
The MIX 101.5 Team reveals the grand total raised by the 2017 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital on Thursday, December 14th.
WRAL-FM staffers, Duke staffers, volunteers, patients, family & friends are thrilled to share the amazing total of $656,089 raised during the 2017 MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital.