The completed CBC stat bar table is installed. Bull City Designs in Durham created the piece for CBC’s newly redesigned Media Building.
When CBC unveiled the newly redesigned and renovated Media Building earlier this year, the stunning art pieces in the lobby were not the only original creations for the décor. A custom table located in the area off the inner lobby was also created with a special CBC meaning in mind.
The woman responsible for the genesis of the table, CBC Audience Development General Manager Shelly Leslie, joined the building design team, when the overall project was already in progress. She focused not only on the branding for the building but spearheaded responsibility for the creative direction.
She has a particular passion to bring the company closer together, creating the concept of ONE CBC for staff and clients. She believes CBC can be more successful if the separate divisions think and act as one, rather than as individual entities.
As part of that concept, she wanted to create a common area in the Media Building, just off the inner lobby.
“I wanted to create that area as a gathering place,” she explained. “The three monitors there are to showcase how we serve our communities with our digital products. One monitor rotates all the WRAL related web sites, one rotates live user data and social engagement and one is our custom CBC shoutout board, where we can acknowledge each other’s teamwork.”
AUD Production Manager Anita Normanly designed the interface of the CBC shoutout board. NMG Software Developer Alex Phillips created all the technology backend, to make the board simple to use by pointing a phone camera at the QR code.
The CBC shoutout board is located in the stat bar area off the inner lobby in the newly redesigned Media Building.
“I’d love to see the CBC shoutout board concept spread to other part of the WRAL campus and across the company,” said Leslie. “Such an easy and public way to give your co-workers kudos for great work and extra effort or to welcome visitors.”
Bull City Designs in Durham made the stat bar table, a custom creation. The renovation project manager Shelley McPhatter from BridgePoint introduced CBC and Leslie to Scott Meguid, Co-Founder of Bull City Designs.
“My goal for this piece was functional art — using more recycled CBC history!” explained Leslie. The lobby art creations by Stephen Hayes were created using odds and ends from the CBC archives.
“I wanted a table that was eye catching and unique that would draw people to it,” continued Leslie. “Since the area showcases how we cover our community and NC based artists, I thought a North Carolina tie in would be fun. Anita, Scott and I collaborated on the design idea. Incredible that Scott was able to create so much detail on the outline of the Outer Banks! He cut out the shape with a lathe and filled it with epoxy.”
The wood is a 7’9” white oak single slab harvested from North Carolina, and the base is an old WRAL-FM radio antenna that the group found at the CBC transmitter site. Bull City Designs cut the antenna in half, fabricated triangle shaped bases and painted them black.
Thanks to AUD’s Shelly Leslie for these capcom photos.
The CBC stat bar table under construction. Bull City Designs in Durham created the piece for CBC’s newly redesigned Media Building.
The completed CBC stat bar table is installed. Bull City Designs in Durham created the piece for CBC’s newly redesigned Media Building.
The CBC shoutout board is located in the stat bar area off the inner lobby in the newly redesigned Media Building.
AUD’s Anita Normanly and NMG’s Alex Phillips (right), the creative geniuses behind making the stat bar area work, chat with Jason Priebe in the new gathering area.