Durham Bulls Stay Connected with Fans Despite No Opening Day Game

The Durham Bulls should have taken the field for the 2020 season opener last Thursday, April 9th, but the coronavirus pandemic is keeping the DBAP closed for now. The Bulls are continuing to connect with fans and help others. “While we don’t know when our Opening Day will officially take place, we know we will […]
95.7 FM That Station Expands “Quaran-TUNES From Home” to Tuesdays AND Thursdays at Noon

Last week 95.7 FM That Station launched QuaranTUNES to help fill the current void for listening to live music. QuaranTUNES debuted with a live set by local singer-songwriter Jason Adamo last Tuesday at noon on That Station’s Facebook page. Now That Station will feature a live mini-concert from a local artist on Tuesdays and expanding […]