Corp Vice President of Special Projects George Habel recently revisited his blog, Note to Self, to ponder what he might keep as a reminder of this time of COVID. Here’s what he had to say:
May 16, 2022
Just when I think COVID is in the rear view mirror, I’m confronted by its annoying persistence – a surging variant or a jarring stat. (For comparison, heart disease claims 700K lives in the US each year. For cancer it’s 600K.) COVID’s impact on public health, child development, the economy and our national psyche is sustained and severe.
But allow me to take this post in a more benign direction with this question:
What would you put in a time capsule from the pandemic?
My initial response: a mask and my vaccination card.
On second thought, there’s so much more: A photo of our granddaughter Jubilee, born in January 2020, a child of the pandemic (who will hopefully have no memory of it!) A Durham Bulls 2020 schedule card – the season lost to COVID. My phone with those vital apps Instacart and zoom, Amazon prime, all my take-out apps. What could represent on-line church, badly needed hair cuts…and all of the time I’ve spent with my wife? We’ve been married for forty-three years, but our “we time” is record setting! Throw in a rapid COVID test.
(This time capsule exercise was from last year for an evaluation of Durham’s Recovery and Renewal Task Force. The group met regularly during 2020-21, a worthy example of former Mayor Steve Schewel’s leadership.)
Time capsules are usually buried, and I wish we could bury COVID! That’s elusive, but we do have vaccines and boosters (and those freakin’ masks) to protect us. The 2022 baseball season is underway…with no delays, no restrictions. Play ball!
My Granddaughter at the DBAP May 14th.
Thanks to Corp’s George Habel for this Capcom story & for these Capcom graphics.