WRAL-FM made the big announcement on the evening of Thursday, December 13, 2023, after two days on the air with the MIX 101.5’s 29th Annual Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital. The grand total raised tallied over $540,000!
“Over a half million dollars raised for the kids at Duke Childrens! $541,874.39 to be exact…but who’s counting,” said WRAL-FM Asst Programming Director/Music Director Jim Kelly. “It is so heartwarming to see how people so generously respond to the stories they hear from the kids and the parents of kids at Duke Childrens year after year. MIX listeners are the best!
Grube was also overwhelmed by the total.
“We raised $541,874.39 for Duke Children’s in just 2 days. Think about that for a minute,” he said. “Think about the impact that kind of donation makes on the lives of these kids and families. Think about the kind of connection MIX 101.5 has with this community to make that happen. We pulled together to help provide the most powerful gift of all: Hope.”
MIX Mornings Kyle, Bryan and Sarah celebrate the amazing total for the 29th Annual MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s. WRAL-FM’s Bryan Lord (l to r), Sarah King & Kyle Smelser helped unveil the amount at the end of the final day, Wednesday, December 13, 2023.
CBC Radio staffers were rightfully proud of the work they did alongside the team at Duke Children’s to make yet another miracle fundraiser a success.
“Another incredible job done by an incredible team!” said 99.9 The Fan Sales Assistant Mike Ewald. “It takes a village to get to a number like this in just 2 days. Proud to work with these folks and all the folks who make the magic happen behind the scenes too!”
A key part of the two-day event, in addition to the many interviews with Duke Children’s families and staff, includes the montages created by WRAL-FM Production Continuity Director Lori Rentsch and WRAL-FM Copywriter/Air Personality Jami Caskey.
“The montages created by Lori and Jami are AMAZING!” said Kelly. “How they are able to hear a child’s story and know the perfect song that elevates their story to the next level and motivates people to open their hearts and give to the kids and the families at Duke Children’s, is truly a gift. As your coworker and a member of the Duke Children’s family, I say to them, ‘thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!!!!’”
The whole staff gets behind the effort, giving their very best to support the children, families and staff at Duke Children’s.
“Radiothon is one of those events that makes you stop and reflect,” said CBC Radio General Manager Brian Grube. “I am so incredibly thankful for our Triangle community, the amazing team at Duke, and our incredible staff.”
If you missed the chance to give but still want to donate, contributions are still being accepted online at wralfm.com.
Thanks so much to all of the generous MIX listeners who contributed to Radiothon!
Thanks to WRAL-FM for these CapCom photos.
MIX Mornings Kyle, Bryan and Sarah celebrate the amazing total for the 29th Annual MIX 101.5 Radiothon for Duke Children’s. WRAL-FM’s Bryan Lord (l to r), Sarah King & Kyle Smelser helped unveil the amount at the end of the final day, Wednesday, December 13, 2023.