FOX 50’s Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader is Looking for a New Class!
The hit TV show is looking for a new class!
If you have, or know of, a rising 5th grader who is personable, energetic, talented and smart, let FOX 50 know!
Make a short video of your talented student,
fill out the official FOX 50 application
and get to FOX 50 by WEDNESDAY, JUNE 18 @ 5:30pm.
The only place to get the rules & application is on myFOX50.com!
One Local Rising 5th Grader
Will Win an Audition with the Producers of Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader in Los Angeles!
Jeff Foxworthy hosts ARE YOU SMARTER THAN A 5TH GRADER? All-New, All-Summer! THURSDAYS @ 8PM
And anytime on FOX on Demand on myFOX50.com!
***Capitol Broadcasting Company employees and their families are not eligible to win FOX 50 contests.***
Thanks to FOX 50’s Kevin Kolbe for this capcom story & these capcom graphics.