You Don’t Have to Wait, Get Your T Fix Now at myFOX50.com |
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles
Premieres Sunday, Jan 13 at 8PM on FOX 50
FOX’s hot new series, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles premieres in January, but you don’t have to wait to get a sneak peak. The soon-to-be hit series based on the Terminator movies will be action packed.
Get your T fix NOW at myFOX50.com!
- Watch the Alter Bridge music video.
- Enter the Red Eye: Terminator Photo Contest.
You could win an HDTV & Blu-Ray player!
- Watch preview clips from the series premiere.
- Show photos, downloads and more!
Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles premieres Sunday, January 13, 2008 at 8pm on FOX 50.
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