CBC’s Wayne Ivey (right) helped guests select plants. |
Despite the construction netting and the hot afternoon, a group of Durham officials and Triangle citizens gathered to collect azalea cuttings for the American Tobacco Trail (ATT). At the event in the WRAL Gardens on Tuesday, August 7, Capitol Broadcasting Company announced the creation of a $50,000 endowment for the care and maintenance of the ATT and the donation of thousands of azaleas to beautify the greenway.
CBC will give $10,000 per year for five years to create the endowment and will donate 5,000 azaleas from its renowned gardens during each of those years as well. CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon presented the first check to Durham at the 5:00pm ceremony. Then all attendees got a brief lesson in azalea cutting from CBC Property Management’s Gil Decker and set to work
with garden shears. The cuttings procured on Tuesday will be ready for planting in January 2003.
The 23-mile American Tobacco Trail will eventually run from downtown Durham near the Durham Bulls Athletic Park to New Hill Road in western Wake
CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon (center) presented funds for the endowment to Durham officials (left to right): Parks & Rec Director Johnny Ford, Mayor Nick Tennyson, City Manager Marcia Connor & Councilman Howard Clement.