WSM is helping keeping Coach Kay Yow’s memory alive by promoting a new book about the legendary NC State coach. |
Wolfpack Sports Marketing has established a partnership with author Stephanie Zonars to promote Zonars’just-released book Leader of the Pack: The Legacy of Legendary Coach Kay Yow. Wolfpack Sports Marketing and Zonars will work to keep Coach Yow’s memory alive at various NC State-related events throughout the 2009-2010 sports season.
Special book signings by the author will provide fans with the chance to receive a personalized copy of the unique book at selected football games this fall, during the Christmas shopping season and at the annual Hoops for Hope women’s basketball fundraiser.
The book came together when 35 of Coach Yow’s former players joined together to keep her memory alive. Plans include having some of those players join the author for the book signing at the Hoops for Hope game. Wolfpack Sports Marketing will also be offering the book for sale through its GoPack.com site and promoting it to the legions of Kay Yow fans throughout the women’s basketball season.
Authorized by Coach Yow prior to her passing, Leader of the Pack chronicles her remarkable life through the eyes of Wolfpack women (including basketball greats like Trena Trice, Chasity Melvin and Summer Erb) whose stories tell the lessons they learned from Yow. Each lesson ties to an inspirational story from the Bible, demonstrating how all that Coach Yow taught and modeled was rooted in timeless wisdom she garnered from her faith. A portion of the book’s proceeds will benefit the Kay Yow/WBCA Cancer Fund®.
Leader of the Pack gives women who face life’s toughest challenges hope and inspiration. Pat Williams, Senior Vice President of the Orlando Magic says, “Coach Yow continues to inspire us and always will. This collection of stories will add a huge dose of inspiration, motivation and hope to your life journey.”
Stephanie Zonars met Coach Yow in 1993 and in recent years became passionate about helping her legacy live on in written form as a remembrance to those who knew her and an inspiration to those who did not. She is published in Chicken Soup for Soul: Basketball Edition (2009) and authored Timeout: Moments with God for Winning in Life (2008).
Leader of the Pack retails for $15.99 and is in stock now at the GoPack Store in Ridgewood Shopping Center (3526 Wade Avenue) or it can be ordered online at gopack.com. The book is expected to be available for purchase at other retailers beginning in September, 2009.
Thanks to WSM’s Brian Asbill for this capcom story & photo.