Raleigh Mayor Declares Bill Jordan Day
Raleigh Mayor Declares Bill Jordan Day Raleigh Mayor Paul Coble stopped by the WRAL-FM studio on Friday, December 15, 2000, and officially proclaimed the day as Bill Jordan Day. Steve Rum from the Duke Children’s Hospital and Michael Cochran from Fred Anderson Toyota also appeared with Coble during the Early Morning Show. The entire affair […]
WRAL-FM Personality In Local Theater Production
WRAL-FM Personality In Local Theater Production Schatzie Receives Rave Reviews WRAL-FM’s Schatzie MIX 101.5 Early Morning Show co-host Schatzie received favorable attention in a News & Observer review for her title role in a local theater production. Schatzie plays Claire in “Fuddy Meers,” presented by local theatrical company When Manbites Dog Theater; the show runs […]