WRAL-FM Personality In Local Theater Production Schatzie Receives Rave Reviews |
 WRAL-FM’s Schatzie |
MIX 101.5 Early Morning Show co-host Schatzie received favorable attention in a News & Observer review for her title role in a local theater production. Schatzie plays Claire in “Fuddy Meers,” presented by local theatrical company When Manbites Dog Theater; the show runs through January 7 in Durham.
In the article “Unforgettable play makes amnesia funny” in the Friday, December 15th edition of the N&O, reviewer Byron Woods gives a
synopsis of the comedy by playwright David Lindsay-Abaire. Woods states that Lindsay-Abaire “deals…effectively with psychogenic amnesia — a condition in which large parts of a patient’s memory are erased every night when she goes to sleep….In the aftermath of a mysterious head injury, central character Claire reassembles her life each morning by re-meeting a group of strangers, including alleged husband Richard and troubled son Kenny. Richard has filled a notebook with photographs, names, maps — highly selective information about who and where she is, and who all these people are. This particular morning, though, a misshapen man in a ski mask suddenly abducts her by claiming that Richard isn’t all he seems to be.”
Woods praises Schatzie’s performance saying, “Under Jeff Storer’s crisp direction, radio personality Schatzie merges wonder and disenchantment in the title role. Her reading of Claire suggests a grown-up Alice who’s no longer entirely amused by the myths of her childhood, one now trying to make sense of them.”
You can catch Scatzie in action Tuesday, Dec. 19 – Sunday, Dec. 22, Tues, Dec. 26 – Sun, Dec. 30, and Tues, Jan 2 – Sunday, Jan. 7. All performances are at 8:15pm, with the exception of Sunday shows, which are at 3:15pm. Tickets are $14-$10; call 682-3343 to purchase. Manbites Dog Theater is located at 703 Foster Street, between Geer and Trinity in downtown Durham.