MIX 101.5 Gives Triangle Families “A December to Remember” |
Realizing that the recent economic downturn and rash of job cuts in the Triangle are making Christmas a hardship for many local families, MIX 101.5/WRAL-FM decided to step in and give some Christmas gifts of their own. The CBC radio station is paying some of the bills for some Triangle citizens to make this “A December to Remember.”
MIX 101.5 stepped in to help with everything from mortgage payments to power bills to rent and car payments and more. During the two weeks of “A December to Remember” campaign, MIX 101.5 helped 18 families. Listeners wrote in about their own situations or on behalf of others and included bills that needed to be paid.
“Reading these stories makes me so thankful to have a decent job,” said MIX Promotion Coordinator Deremia Johnson. One woman wrote in about her situation. Her husband recently lost his job, and their son has a serious asthma condition. They are now being forced to pay medical expenses out of pocket and are having to buy food on credit cards. WRAL-FM helped ease their burden a little by helping with some of their payments.
CHRISTMAS AT HOME A very special holiday radio show, featuring stories and your favorite songs of the season, begins at noon on Monday, Dec. 24th, and continues all Christmas Eve and all day Christmas Day, with MIX 101.5/WRAL-FM’s wish to you and yours for a happy holiday.
MIX 101.5 footed the bill for this moving display of holiday giving. The families helped by “A December to Remember” will have a brighter Christmas, and MIX listeners are being inspired by listening to their wishes being granted over the radio.
“A lot of these people are our neighbors,” said Johnson.