CBC & AJFF Help Preserve Raleigh Land For Park
 City Councilman Benson Kirkman (center) took a lead role in the presentation. |
Capitol Broadcasting Company and the A.J. Fletcher Foundation have given $5,000 each to the City of Raleigh towards the purchase of a 12-acre tract of land adjoining Lake Johnson Park in southwest Raleigh. CBC VP of Community Affairs Paul Pope and AJFF Executive Director Tom McGuire both attended a sunrise celebration at the park on Monday, November 4, 2002, at which the non-profit organization People For Parks and the City kicked-off a $950,000 fundraising effort.
The funds raised will be used to repay a loan to the California company Trust for Public Land, which stepped in and bought the property from developer Steve Dickson. Dickson had planned to build 88 two- and three-bedroom apartments on the tract. The City of Raleigh stepped in to reserve the land as part of the park.
 CBC’s Paul Pope (left) made a check presentation at the event. |
 Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker (far left) joined the crowd in a toast to the preservation of the 12-acre tract of land for the Lake Johnson Park. |
Friends of Lake Johnson, an affiliate of People for Parks, is heading the charge to raise money.
The Monday morning event celebrated the closing of the Lease-To-Purchase Contract for the 12-acre parcel, which closed on October 21, 2002. The event also kicked-off the fundraising drive to repay the loans that enabled the purchase.
City Councilmen Benson Kirkman and Neal Hunt sponsored the event. Mayor Charles Meeker attended as well. CP&L has also pledged $5,000 towards the repayment of the loan.