Vicki Murray Settles Into Role of Corporate Secretary
 CBC’s new Corporate Secretary Vicki Murray |
A few weeks ago on October 30, 2002, CBC Corporate Secretary Vicki Murray officially became Secretary of the boards for The Achievement School and the A.J. Fletcher Foundation. Members of the board elected her to the positions, a formality that completed her transition to the position held for several decades by the late Scottie Stephenson.
Murray fulfills her responsibilities from her office on the second floor of the renovated Administration Building at WRAL-TV. Besides The Achievement School and AJFF Boards, Murray serves as Secretary to all CBC entities, including WRAL-TV, WRAL-FM and all others.
Murray’s responsibilities include arranging and attending all board meetings to record minutes and maintaining all corporate records and a file of all original contracts entered into by any of CBC’s companies.
Murray basically serves as a hub for all CBC legal information, including contracts and FCC filings. In other words, she is the information organization point person. She also monitors due dates and FCC filing requirements for all entities, files documents with the FCC as required, serves as a registered agent for all CBC entities and AJFF and is the contact for the local telephone directory listings for all CBC companies.
Finally, Murray continues assisting CBC VP and General Counsel Mike Hill, the position she solely held before taking on the responsibilities of Corporate Secretary as well.