WRAL-FM Launches Effort To Help the Troops |
In light of the War in Iraq, WRAL-FM/MIX 101.5 has suspended its current Daily Mix Money Song giveaway promotion to make way for Operation Comfort. The WRAL-FM sponsored event will take place tomorrow, Friday, March 28, 2003 at the Crabtree Valley Mall from 6am-6pm. The radio station will be collecting personal and miscellaneous items to be sent the soldiers overseas.
The U.S.O. suggests that our troops usually run low on items that we can provide. Here are lists of items that MIX 101.5 would like to collect:
travel-size personal items: |
miscellaneous items: |
- disposable
- razors
- toothbrushes
- toothpaste
- tissue
- shampoo
- soap
- sunscreen
- baby wipes
- hand lotion
- lip balm
- cotton swabs
- sewing kits
- cards and games
- CDs
- DVDs
- crossword puzzles
- disposable cameras
- stationery
- sunglasses
- small footballs, softballs
- CD/DVD cases
- snack items
- shoe polish kits
Harris Wholesale and Budweiser are partnering with MIX for this benefit for the troops. Bring your items by Crabtree Valley Mall in the Belks parking lot anytime Friday from 6am-6pm. MIX will make sure the items are delivered to our troops fighting the war in Iraq.