CBC Awarded For United Way Campaign
 Several CBC’ers were on hand to receive the award from the United Way: Paul Pope (l to r), Leesa Moore-Craigie, Paula McGraw & Katy Sloan w/ TUW President Craig Chancellor. |
Capitol Broadcasting Company commits itself to an employee fundraising campaign for the Triangle United Way each year, and the United Way rewarded CBC’s efforts at the Triangle United Way Annual Meeting. CBC received the Award of Excellence for Corporate Involvement & Support at the evening banquet at the Sheraton Imperial in RTP on Wednesday, March 26, 2003.
“We’ve got some large needs in our community,” said CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon on the recognition video prepared for the event. “What’s the best way to do this? The United Way.”
CBC VP of Community Affairs Paul Pope accepted the award on the company’s behalf along with WRAL-TV Executive Producer and 2002 Campaign Chair Leesa Moore-Craigie.
 CBC’s Paul Pope (r) accepts the award from Campaign Co-Chairs Joan & Dennis Gillings. |
 Several who benefit from the United Way’s agencies shared their stories in the 2002 campaign, including Kate Kennedy, who spoke at the banquet. |
 CBC’s Leesa Moore-Craigie (r) ran the 2002 Campaign and will pass the baton to Paula McGraw for 2003. |
“I’m proud to be a part of a company who cares about the community,” said Craigie. Pope added that the giving attitude starts at the top of the company with CEO Goodmon and trickles down. Under Craigie’s direction the CBC campaign raised $155,931 and increased its Community Care Fund Contributions by 9% from the previous year. CBC also spearheaded the effort for Triangle companies to use eWay, the United Way’s online pledging option. CBC matches its employees contributions by 50% each year.
Themed “Found,” the banquet focused on real people who allowed the United Way to tell their stories. In 2002, the Triangle United Way raised almost $11,265,000 through its Community Care Fund. Contributions came from 60,000 donors in 902 companies.