WILM Brings Good News Back to Wilmington

WILM Brings Good News Back to Wilmington WILM brings good news back to Wilmington with their Good Samaritan of the Week project. In September, WILM began a promotion that recognizes people in the community who have gone above and beyond to do a good deed. Viewers were asked to nominate the person they think deserves […]
CBC Stations Greet Viewers at the Fair

CBC Stations Greet Viewers at the Fair Once again the State Fair is in town, and several Capitol Broadcasting stations are greetings fans. WRAL-TV, FOX50 & WRAL-FM/MIX 101.5 are manning a tent beside the Dorton Arena, holding drawings and greeting viewers. WRAL-TV personalities are signing autographs during the fair, and doing live shots during the […]