The Bulls’ Lucky The Wonder Dog will now spread the word about responsible pet ownership. |
The Durham Bulls recently announced that Lucky The Wonder Dog, has been named the Ambassador of Responsible Pet Ownership by the Animal Protection Society (APS) of Durham. Lucky, who has become a regular attraction at Durham Bulls games over the past three seasons, will now be the face of the organization’s initiative to encourage responsible pet ownership throughout Durham and the Triangle.
“We’re really excited about adding Lucky to the APS family,” APS Development Director Sarah Randall said, “He’ll make a wonderful ambassador for our message on responsible pet ownership”
The announcement will be made official at the Durham Bulls game on Thursday, May 12, 2005, when the Bulls host Skyy Dogs USA and Rockin’ Ray, a traveling entertainment act featuring several rescued dogs performing stunts on the field. Lucky will make his first official appearance for the Durham APS on Saturday, May 21st at the annual Walk for the Animals at Wallace Wade Stadium on the campus of Duke University. His other duties will include a regular story in the APS newsletter, in educational materials that go into schools and organizations, and in other community outreach programs.
Lucky and his owner, Gene Lonsway, have been a part of Durham Bulls Baseball since 2003. He can be seen at all weekend games performing stunts on the field, signing “Paw-tographs” for kids and running a victory lap around the bases when the Bulls win. The sixty-five pound yellow lab knows over 50 verbal commands and cues and has been taught to recognize and respond to 10 different hand signals and whistle commands.
The Animal Protection Society of Durham is a nonprofit organization, established in 1970, dedicated to protecting and providing shelter for all animals. APS educates the public about the humane care and treatment of animals, promotes spay/neuter and encourages the adoption of homeless animals. For more information about the Animal Protection Society of Durham, please visit www.apsofdurham.org or call 919-560-0640.
Thanks to DBBC’s Matt DeMargel for this capcom story & photo.