High School Dropout Problem Examined in WRAL-TV Documentary
At first glance, North Carolina’s dropout rate, as reported by the state Department of Public Instruction, doesn’t seem all that bad. It’s less than five percent for grades 9-12. But that’s during a single school year. A look at the bigger picture reveals a much more startling statistic – that about 40 percent of North Carolina’s high school students leave without a diploma.
WRAL-TV’s latest installment in its Focal Point documentary series examines North Carolina’s dropout problem. “Focal Point: Absent Minds” airs Thursday, May 26, 2005 at 7:30pm. It profiles students to examine why they drop out and what impact leaving school before earning a diploma has on them and their future.
“Focal Point: Absent Minds” also explores the effectiveness of dropout prevention and intervention programs, as well as how they can be expanded to reduce the number of dropouts.
The half-hour documentary “Focal Point: Absent Minds” is hosted by WRAL-TV Anchor Pam Saulsby.