Tarheel Talk Celebrates 200th Episode

Tarheel Talk Celebrates 200th Episode A dedicated staff of WRAL-TV & FOX 50 employees put together Tarheel Talk with the host from WUNC. (l to r): Chris Hiserman, Alisha Kruel, Allison King, Corrine Hampton, Sonya Williams-Harris (host), Clarence Williams, Joanne Stanley, Chad Herron & (front) Al Robinson. Tarheel Talk staffers celebrated in the Backlot at […]
Pelicans Announce Inaugural Pumpkin Carving Contest

Pelicans Announce Inaugural Pumpkin Carving Contest With Halloween creeping up around the corner the Myrtle Beach Pelicans are inviting fans to send us photos of their carved pumpkins as part of the inaugural Pelicans Pumpkin Carving Contest. Fans are welcomed to carve their pumpkins, take a photo, and send it to abarwick@mb-baseball.com. The Pelicans front […]