Grand prize winner Pauline Holly and her husband show off their their new Sony DVD Handycam Camcorder. (The Panasonic Wide Screen LCD HD TV was too big to fit in the picture!) |
CBS 10 WILM recently brought its latest contest to a successful conclusion. CBS 10 WILM sponsored the Tony Danza: Watch to Win Contest, in which viewers could qualify for great prizes by watching the Tony Danza Show and calling in at the appropriate time. The contest ran from September to November 2005, and winners recently got their loot.
Each weekday during the Tony Danza Show (10-11am) viewers were asked to call at a certain time and be the specified caller in order to qualify for the final drawing. Qualifiers also won a daily prize of a Tony Danza promotional item – hats, aprons, T-shirts and coffee mugs were among those daily offerings.
 First prize winner Julian Sneeden holds his Apple iPod. He also won a Kodak Digital Camera & Printer Dock Kit. |
 Second prize winner Melissa Martin with her Kodak Digital Camera & Printer Dock Kit. |
The big drawing took place on November 16th from a pool of all viewers who qualified during the contest period.
The grand prize went to Pauline Holly. She won a 32” Panasonic Wide Screen LCD HD Television and Sony DVD Handycam Camcorder. She said the TV will fit perfectly in her living room, and plans to use the camcorder to videotape her family – she is married with 2 boys and a girl on the way.
First prize winner Julian Wayne Sneeden received an Apple iPod and Kodak Digital Camera and Printer Dock Kit. Second prize of a Kodak Digital Camera and Printer Dock Kit went to Melissa Martin. Both were very excited about their prizes, and WILM was happy to be able to give away such great items.
People from all over the WILM viewing area called in to qualify for the contest – some even qualified multiple times! There was a great response to the contest and many viewers who came in to the station talked about being long-time Tony Danza fans. Others commented on how much they enjoyed his show.
Thanks to WILM’s Kim Von Brook for this capcom story & these capcom photos.