Durham’s Meals on Wheels is on a roll with help from the CBC family.
Meals on Wheels of Durham has a new logo thanks to SpectruMax, the designer of Wolfpack Sports Marketing’s game-day programs. |
A $35,000 fund-raising campaign has been launched. It includes a challenge grant from the A.J. Fletcher Foundation, and the non-profit has a new logo thanks to Wolfpack Sports Marketing.
SpectruMax, LLC, which designs NC State’s game-day programs for WSM, created the new logo as a pro bono project.
Mark Prokop, Executive Director of Meals on Wheels: “On behalf of the Board of Directors of Meals on Wheels of Durham, I want to personally thank SpectruMax and Bill O’Bryan for redesigning our logo. People are really drawn to the new logo…there is now more interest in the organization.”
The Durham Bulls will be hosting a volunteer appreciation night for MOW volunteers in May and will stage a player jersey auction at a summertime game with proceeds going to MOW of Durham.
The organization delivers 325 hot, nutritious meals each day to Durham County residents who are unable to provide or prepare meals for themselves. Demand for the service is growing, and the organization is on pace to deliver 5,000 more meals in 2007 compared to last year. Established in 1975, MOW of Durham has served more than one million meals through the generous help and support of its staff, volunteers, donors and sponsors.
Thanks to CS’ George Habel for this capcom story & these graphics.