Vote for the MLB Team You Most Want to See on FOX50

Vote for the MLB Team You Most Want to See on FOX50 Major League Baseball returns to FOX 50 on April 5, 2008, but this year with a new twist. Viewers can cast their vote to determine the FOX 50 Game of the Week. Who’s your favorite MLB team? Here’s your chance to tell us. […]
MIX Raises Miraculous Amount for Kids at Duke

MIX staffers are overwhelmed as they unveil the total for the 2008 Radiothon: an incredible $1,175,759.71. Last February the staffers at WRAL-FM MIX 101.5 were floored when the Radiothon for Duke Children’s Hospital crested the million dollar mark for the second time in the event’s history. Well, the final results of the 14th Annual […]