NAB Crystal Radio Award Presented to MIX 101.5 WRAL-FM

NAB Crystal Radio Award Presented to MIX 101.5 WRAL-FM Radio Station Recognized for Outstanding Community Service Efforts WRAL-TV’s Pete Sockett (2nd from right, back row) accepts the 2009 Crystal Award on behalf of WRAL-FM. MIX 101.5 WRAL-FM received the National Association of Broadcasters Crystal Radio Award on Tuesday, April 23, 2009. The NAB Crystal Radio […]
Goodmon Talks about Mobile DTV at NAB Show

The National Association of Broadcasters held its annual NAB Show in Las Vegas from April 18 – 23, and CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon was there to participate. Check out the following video & article with his comments from the convention. Broadcasting & Cable: Q&A with Capitol Broadcasting President and CEO Jim Goodmon […]