MIX 101.5 Hosts Toy Drive to Help Kids During the Holidays Radio Station Collecting Toys for The Marine Corps Reserve’s Toys for Tots Program
MIX 101.5 WRAL-FM will begin their toy drive for Toys for Tots on Saturday, December 4 in the promotional court at Crabtree Valley Mall. The drive will run from 10 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Bill Jordan and Lynda Loveland of Bill & Lynda in the Morning will kick off the event to encourage MIX 101.5 listeners to make their contribution to Toys for Tots this holiday season to provide toys for children who would otherwise not receive toys.
New and unwrapped toys can be donated for children ages 2 to 17. Toys should not have military or violent themes. Monetary contributions can be donated at all sites or online at toysfortotsraleigh.org. Checks should be payable to Toys for Tots, Raleigh NC.
MIX 101.5 will be collecting toys throughout the month of December at Cary’s Crossroads Plaza, Durham’s Commons at University Shopping Place, Triangle Town Center Mall and Cary Town Center Mall. Go to wralfm.com for dates and times of these drives.
Toys for Tots was founded in 1947 by the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve. The Toys for Tots Program collects new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year and distributes those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.
Toys for Tots Raleigh distributes toys to ten counties including Wake, Durham, Johnston, Sampson, Orange, Chatham, Franklin, Vance, Warren and Granville. For additional information about Toys for Tots please visit the Raleigh Toys for Tots web page.
Thanks to WRAL-FM’s Luanne Lane for this capcom story & graphic.