9th grader Adrian Bullock delivers the “I Have a Dream” speech of Martlin Luther King at the MLK Triangle Interfaith Breakfast on January 17, 2011. |
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On Monday morning, January 17, 2011, Capitol Broadcasting Company welcomed the Triangle to celebrate the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King. For the 25th time this year, CBC served as proud sponsor for the Martin Luther King, Jr. Triangle Interfaith Prayer Breakfast. The program at the Sheraton Imperial in RTP began at 8:00am, with doors opening an hour earlier for the serving of the buffet breakfast.
Filled with a variety of prayers for everything from world peace to equality, area clergy from a variety of faiths stood beside local and state officials to offer works in furtherance and celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King.
Several rousing standing ovations punctuated the event, two of the largest for 9th grader Adrian Bullock who recited King’s “I Have a Dream” speech with gusto. The second came for former North Carolina State Auditor Ralph Campbell who passed away a few days before the event. Campbell helped start the MLK breakfast 31 years ago and was the first African-American in North Carolina to be elected to a statewide constitutional office. Each year Campbell introduced elected officials and was dearly missed at this 2011 gathering.
 Rapper Lady J offers a song, “Share the Dream.” |
 The Rev. Dr. Staccato Powell offers the keynote address. |
Dr. E. Lavoinia Allison of Durham opened the program with a moment of silence in honor of Campbell. Two choirs offered songs of praise during the event, and Jacquie Jeffers, a public school teacher also known as rapper Lady J, performed her song “Share the Dream.”
“Join our hearts and our hands to do justice.”
– Rabbi Lucy Dinner, Prayer for World Peace
“Let us seek justice and forgiveness.”
– The Honorable Oliver Muhammad, Imam, Prayer for the Less Fortunate
“We should try to make every day a day of service,” challenged Durham Mayor Bill Bell as he brought greetings from his city. “The struggle for freedom, equality and justice goes on every day.”
Raleigh Mayor Charles Meeker brought greetings from the Capitol City, and Governor Bev Perdue spoke on behalf of the state.
Perdue said that celebrations on MLK day always include someone saying that King’s work is not done. She echoed Meeker when she said, “If you live in Wake County, his work is not done.” The pair referred to the recent move by new school board members to return to neighborhood schools, which many say is a return to segregation. Many offered the same sentiment from the lectern.
 N.C. Governor Bev Perdue says “The defining hope of families living in poverty is to give that child a good education.” |
 CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon talks about news reporting and the importance of asking the whole question. |
CBC President & CEO Jim Goodmon spoke after Perdue. He focused on the importance of asking questions and getting the full story, saying that the media these days simply gets both opposing views and stops.
“I’m worried about the news media and their tendency to get both sides of an issue and quit,” said Goodmon. “We don’t ask the whole question… We need to ask for evidence… Let’s think about what we say.”
“We’ve got to become pragmatic as we practice these principles. These are those come behind us; we must build a bridge.”
“Stop giving information and work on transformation.”
– The Rev. Dr. Staccato Powell
The program closed with keynote speaker The Rev. Dr. Staccato Powell, pastor of the Grace AME Zion Church in Raleigh.
He quoted Ecclesiastes 2:12 saying, “What does the man do who comes after the king other than that which as already been done?”
 The United Voices of Praise from Fisher Memorial United Holy Church of Chapel Hill offer up songs of praise. |
Powell entitled his speech “The King and I” after the Broadway musical of the same name. He challenged that the King of Siam in the play got opposition because he ‘dared to do something different.”
He challenged that we need to think of ourselves as “The King and I” and challenged the crowd to practice the principles of Dr. King.
“Sometimes we become so philosophical and heavenly minded that we are no earthly good,” said Powell. “We must personify his presence.”