WILM sponsors the 5th Annual Carolina Canine Walk For Those Who Can’t on Saturday, March 26th. |
On Saturday March 26th 2011, WILM was the lead sponsor of the 5th Annual Carolina Canine Walk for Those Who Can’t. This fundraiser was to benefit Carolina Canines for Service, an organization that provides trained canines to assist disabled people of all ages.
Hundreds of dogs and owners turned up to show their support for the worthy cause.
 WILM staffers work hard to help make the event a success. |
The event lasted a little over 2 hours and was followed by refreshments for all in attendance.
Overall the walk was a success and should help to pave the way for future events of its kind.
Thanks WILM and all that showed up to participate.
Thanks to WILM’s Christa Phillips for this capcom story & these capcom photos.