American Heart Association Again Honors CBC as Fit-Friendly Company
 Corp’s Van Williams (center) accepts the Gold Designation Fit-Friendly honor on behalf of CBC. |
The American Heart Association honored CBC with another Gold Designation as a Fit-Friendly Company. Each year the organization honors companies nationwide who “go above and beyond when it comes to their employees’ health.”
CBC received the designation in part because of healthy workplace initiatives such as our wellness program, Be Active CBC, which includes a variety of incentives for physical exercise, an on-site Weight Watchers program, and gym membership reimbursements and discounts. CBC also hosts an annual Health Fair for our employees and their spouses and gives health insurance premium discounts to those who participate.
Corporate HR Benefits Administrator Van Williams accepted the honor on behalf of CBC at the 2012 Triangle Heart Walk Breakfast on Thursday, May 17th. The event took place at the PNC Arena in Raleigh.
CBC first received the Gold level designation in 2007 and has stayed on the list ever since.
“Designed to be a catalyst for positive change in American business, the program recognizes employers who champion the health of their employees by creating physical activity programs within the workplace,” explained the American Heart Association. “The program is also meant to encourage other companies to participate and demonstrate similar physical activity practices for their employees.”
Corp HR Benefits Administrator Van Williams manages Be Active CBC and the many other wellness initiatives that earned the company the Fit-Friendly honor from the American Heart Association. |
Capitol Broadcasting joined six other Triangle companies in receiving the Gold designation beginning this January.
The breakfast served as a kick-off for the Triangle Heart Walk, which is slated for Sunday, October 7th at the PNC Arena. Heart attack survivor Colon Terrell served as keynote for the event, speaking to the crowd via Skype. Terrell is currently on a walk across the country to raise awareness and promote heart health.
“My motivation for this trip is to encourage others to get brisk exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 times a week,” Terrell told the attendees. An avid marathoner, he suffered a heart attack in 2009 and was saved by the back of his heart and capillary system created by years of exercise.
Dubbing his experience Heart Trek USA, Terrell is also raising funds for the AHA and blogging about his experience. He began his trek on March 1st at the Cape Hatteras lighthouse and passed through Raleigh almost two weeks later. He hopes to reach his final destination of Santa Monica, CA, on Labor Day weekend.
- Keep track of Terrell’s progress via his blog or on Facebook
- Learn more about the AHA’s Fit-Friendly Company program & see a list of the 2011 winners here