Name This CBC’er
- Who is this retired Vice President?

- Can you name this former Vice President?

- Who is this reporter?

- Name these two WRAL radio characters.

- Name this lady.

1. John Greene
John Greene joined WRAL-TV in 1976 as Station Operations Manager. Greene was named WRAL-TV’s Vice President and General Manager in late 1979.
In 1984 he took on corporate responsibilities when he was promoted to Senior Vice President of the company. In that expanded role Greene continued to have direct management of WRAL-TV, but oversaw CBC’s three other television stations as well. He retired in 1990 to teach at UNC-CH.
In 1994 Greene rejoined the company full-time as CBC’s Vice President of Special Projects. His assignments included new business development, consulting and lobbying at the state and federal levels. One of his primary missions was to help shape the Telecommunications Act of 1996.
Over the next decade John Greene also played an integral role in CBC’s groundbreaking efforts with digital television (DTV) and High Definition Television (HDTV). He supervised the completion of WRAL-HD, the nation’s first commercial digital television station.
John Greene retired from CBC in 2009.
2. Ben Waters
Ben Waters joined Capitol Broadcasting Company in 1977 as news director of WRAL-TV. In 1980, he joined the corporate staff of the company as director of special projects. He was promoted to vice president of administration in 1982. He was a member of the company’s board of directors and served on the board’s executive committee.
Ben Waters died in November, 2008.
3. Oscar Smith
Oscar Smith was the first black reporter for WRAL-TV. He started at the station in March 1972.After leaving the station, he held positions in state government and became a columnist for “The Carolinian” newspaper.
Oscar Smith died in February, 2010. He was 79.
4. Actually two people and a puppet:
Bob Inskeep, aka FBI, and “ZOOT” the cool looking little pink dude. The talented Rowell Gormon provided the voice of “ZOOT.”
5. Waltye Rasulala
After serving 19 years at WRAL-TV, she transferred to the A.J. Fletcher Foundation were she was Grants Coordinator with the foundation.Waltye Rasulala was Public Affairs Director for WRAL-TV5. She was involved in numerous award-winning community projects. Some of her most memorable projects include: Project Tanzania, Success by Six,, and Coats for the Children. Waltye produced several public affairs shows including Carolina Saturday, Assignment Sunday, AWARE, and Amazing Kids.
After serving 19 years at WRAL-TV, she transferred to the A.J. Fletcher Foundation were she was Grants Coordinator with the foundation.
Thanks to Corp’s Pam Allen for this capcom story & these photos. Pam Parris Allen is a former WRAL newscast producer/director who now works as a researcher and producer on the CBC History Project.