Crazy Things

1. Name the weatherman or meteorologist who presented a weathercast from WRAL’s tall tower. a) Bob Caudle b) Bob Debardelaben c) Bob Knapp d) Greg Fishel 2. Name the SKY 5 pilot who appeared in a live shot wearing a Halloween mask. a) Steve Wiley b) Randy Watkins c) Mike Allen d) Frank Beall […]
CBC’ers Plant Pinwheels for Prevent Child Abuse

CBC employees worked together to plant a pinwheel garden to honor Child Abuse Prevention Month on Wednesday, April 27, 2016. Staffers worked alongside NC Prevent Child Abuse representatives to plant over 1,000 pinwheels out front of the CBC headquarters and WRAL-TV studios on Western Blvd. The pinwheel is the symbol of child abuse prevention, representing […]