DBBC Radio Broadcaster/Sponsorship Account Executive Patrick Kinas spent last summer as the radio voice of swimming at the Summer Olympics in Rio and is currently in full swing in his regular gig at the Bulls. In July he will add another broadcasting adventure to his docket. Kinas is the man behind the Triangle Sportscaster Camp, now in its 9th season.
“I started the camp about eight years ago,” he explained. “Like many of my other business ventures, the idea of crafting a sportscaster camp came to me while I was half-asleep on my couch. The idea was hatched after regular inquiries from parents across the region about having their son or daughter shadowing a broadcast. After handling several of these per year, it just morphed into a concept that I thought would fill a niche in this – and potentially other – market(s).”
Kinas then went to the virtual drawing board.
“I spent a few weeks sketching out what a cool, instructive and fun camp would look like for sports junkies like me, basically envisioning what I would have loved to have attended when I was a kid – if one existed,” he said. “From there, I put a schedule together, reached out to sponsors and colleagues in the industry to help provide a practical, unvarnished view into our industry. The first year, I had 16 kids register from three states, which indicated to me that I had tapped into something that kids were interested in attending.”
Because Kinas was in the throes of preparing for his work at the Olympics last July, he was unable to hold the camp. That makes him even more excited to get back to it this year.
DBBC’s Patrick Kinas calls swimming alongside medal-winning Olympian Dara Torres at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio.
The general format for the camp includes a different theme on each of the three days: play-by-play, TV & sports radio, with a few other elements included here and there. The campers participate in practical exercises and then Q&A forum and interaction with Kinas and other broadcasters.
“By the end of the three days, they are armed with a solid foundation on what our industry truly is like, the jobs and skill sets needed, and hands-on experiences ‘on the air,’ writing, and describing plays/games,” he explained.
The 2017 will take place on July 10-12 in Durham, providing enough students sign up to participate. Kinas is also hoping to expand the concept into the fall and winter.
“It’s wonderful for me to watch the bonding with all of the kids over the three days,” said Kinas. “They all share a strong interest in sports, broadcasting and in most cases have been looking for an outlet. Many of them become friends beyond the three days, and several have graduated from my camp and are working in the industry as interns or even professionals. That’s the most gratifying aspect of it for me. It’s a great platform to provide for these kids chasing after their dreams, just like I did when I was their age.”
Find out more: 9th Annual Triangle Sportscaster Camp