“Education Matters” Taped in WRAL Virtual Reality Studio for First Time

On Wednesday night, June 12, 2019, CBC taped the 103rd episode of Education Matters taped its 103rd episode. The topic for the program was Rock Star Teachers. This episode was special not because it was the 103rd episode but because it is the first to be taped in the VR (Virtual Reality) studio. Yep, Education […]
NCAB Names CBC’s Innovative That Station as 2019 Large Market Station of Year

Capitol Broadcasting Company has again made history. 95.7 FM That Station has been named the Large Market Station of the Year by the North Carolina Association of Broadcasters, the first time in broadcast history a translator/app based station has received such an honor, as far as That Station’s research has uncovered. “Everyday, ‘jukebox translators’ pop […]